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I Question Your Benevolence - I made it to the Donald J. Trump inauguration and the Robert Kennedy Jr. MAHA Make America Healthy Again Ball!

If you are still questioning President Trump’s benevolence, then know that I am questioning yours, and this is why! I challenge you to keep reading. There were 300,000 children who went missing a couple months before election day 2025. This number of missing children was archived in the government database, and I want to point out strongly that this was only a couple months before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' terms were about to end. Sadly, know that there were millions of children human sex trafficked just alone in their 4 year term, not including Obama’s 8 year term. So, this is why I question you. Looking around on social media there are still people that claim they are human...

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We Walked With An Ascended Master - We Honor Our Elders - The Role of Loved Ones Who Pass On

In the Rising Phoenix Aurora community the Elders are honored. Today I share with you a very special A.U.R.A. practitioner who walked among us. She was looked as a Grandma figure to our community, as one who held great wisdom and love. She chose to ascend out in the Year of Dragon 2024, and honored we are to have been in her presence every day and week. In my career and the thousands I have met, she was truly one of a kind! She truly wowed me! When she would speak to us, the entire room and zoom meeting would go quiet, just to ensure that you wouldn't miss one word she would say. The energy that would echo out...

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Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically

Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically. When people overstep your boundaries and violate your space, your energy, your mind, this is a form of rape. Through time, working with all my clients, I have heard so many stories of the ways that they were violated energetically. People tend to think that this is not that drastic, but it is. If anything, an energetic violation can at times go even deeper through the multidimensions of the soul. A person who is intentionally causing harm, because their thoughts and energy vibrate to this lower vibration, can do so by looking deeply into someone’s eyes, by writing a negative comment, by speaking directly about someone in an ill intent, by...

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The Dragon Riders & The Purifying Flames of Source

I wrote this in 2023, and I truly did not understand what these purifying flames of Source meant until now, among the energies of the eclipse of 2024.  Excerpt from 'Galactic History of the Multiverse', Chapter 2 'The Key to Ascension'. "In this dream, I was viewing from a higher perspective, like a movie playing. The scene begins with me viewing humanity expressing their free-willed choices through their life paths on Earth. On the land there is a rapid moving flame that is transforming souls into Ascension as the flame touches them. If not the matching vibration of this purifying flame, the souls become engulfed by this sacred flame and they go through a form of reboot, turning into white...

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The Archon Playbook

The Artificial Intelligence (the real devil) is most predictable.  Let me tell you all how it works when people in leadership positions, no matter in what industry are being run by ITS (A.I.) inverted Matrix’s, and not the original crystalline blueprint of Mother Gaia, which operates only within love: Those who are being outed around the world will play the victim, and parasitically feed off their followers' sympathy. Example: If they are run by the Archon Matrix and say they have issues with another person who is positive, they might make a video, write a post telling their audience with victimizing tears in their eyes saying “Oh, that’s not how I feel about so and so! Oh I am so...

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