About AuroRa

I AM Aurora | Galactic Historian | Founder of A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing & Rising Phoenix Mystery School | Author | Spiritual Revolutionist | Channel To RA | Akashic Reader
Spearheading through, covering the most challenging disclosure, from artificial intelligence, the new world order, deep state, hybridization programs, abductions, UFO’s, aliens, reincarnation, world history, and ancient mysteries. Wowing her audience, most often with her predictions which often are forewarning becoming facts. Her literature keeps us ahead of the Matrix game.
AuroRa is the founder of Rising Phoenix Mystery School, entity removal modalities, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Technique, and Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing (R.A.A.H.). As a beautiful, heart-centered energy healer, she conducts quantum healing sessions, and she has directly assisted over 4000 clients to reconnect to their Higher Selves over the past seven years, with profound results for all involved. Serving all, in the infinite Source Love-Light of the Creator, she also teaches spiritual alchemy development courses for students, to empower them, to tap into their inner wisdom, to self-heal, and to reawaken their divine spiritual gifts. In addition, many thousands more have benefited from her teachings through the Rising Phoenix Aurora Channels.
"Greetings! There is nothing more beautiful than knowing that you are connected to the infinite wisdom within you and that you have always been. This is what I strive to do for others, to remind them of these gifts awaiting to be reawakened once more.
We can receive as many readings or healings as we desire where someone else tells us who we are and whom we have been. However, it is not until we allow that inner voice that whispers within our hearts to actively speak, that we begin our true transformation, our true remembrance of our soul. When we deeply connect through the theta hypnosis/meditation brainwaves of our consciousness to our soul, our higher self, our hearts. Which in turn, activates our hearts knowing that love is all, for it is the very life force that runs through the veins of this universe.
My career as a past-life regressionist began in January 2017, through a practice hypnosis session on my husband, the RA Collective surprised us by speaking through him. Explaining some of what was to come and that "there was someone near and dear to my heart that would love to speak to me." When I asked "whom" they said "Dolores." At that point, I had begun to read a book of Dolores’s that gave me an understanding of who she was. Through this practice past-life regression session, the RA Collective and Dolores gave me the little but needed instruction on what was to come. They also said that they had been waiting for this moment in time, for what seemed like an eternity, to talk to me. I did not quite understand what that meant, and I was puzzled at their statements and the infinite love that they were expressing towards me, as I did not remember them, as they did I. It must be so interesting and entertaining from the other side, from beyond the veil, where they view all infinitely. As, they know exactly who we are, when we are in complete amnesia. And even then, when they tell us who we are, we are in extreme denial over it. Beginning from this monumental point in time, which marked the blossoming of my pronounced spiritual growth, it catapulted me into a great awakening. Not knowing that my husband was somnambulistic, when he came to, we realized that not only did he not remember anything of the session but that these benevolent beings had spoken through him clearly with no human consciousness or ego in the way. We also both had no idea who RA was, except for the idea that it was some kind of ‘Sun God from Egypt,’ as read through the Internet. However, we have learned much of who the RA Collective is through this book.
As I continued to work within myself, deprogramming from the falseness of the disempowerments around us, I began to remember more and more of who my soul truly and organically is. As I regained my past-life memories with every breathing moment, I regained my light and consciousness back to its highest potential, operating from a high vibration of heart and love. As I did this, I remembered who I AM beyond the veil. Though I am humbled, it is important that we do learn to accept who we are as multi-faceted beings. Because otherwise, we are denying our true infinite divine power and expression. It is something that we can only do within, of releasing the falseness created around when someone acknowledges or talks about themselves, we automatically assume it is egoic. This foreign oppressive programming of self-confinement is Archonic, being it does not serve the Archons’ agenda for us to remember and to accept our true divine soul Source expression. So long as a being is able to speak of oneself in a manner that allows others to see their reflections from within that being, that is a sacred way to be. To cyber bully or to troll someone because they are living their full embodiment of Source expression, is to do the Archons’ job for them, and it oppresses the spirit. This is why we empower all to remember thyself, and then share thyself in Love for other selves. Because, as we continue to do so individually, so does the collective. As we regain piece-by-piece back of our light, that light then becomes a matching vibration of a memory next to be activated, downloaded or integrated into us divinely. Bringing us closer to the Ascended Master vibration such as Yeshua, Buddha, Isis…
At the end of 2017, I went from being Aura, to being addressed as Aurora, when I experienced a Walk-In. Aura is a fractal that birthed forth from Archangel Aurora within Creation. While Aura played a dancing game with her children, she started feeling I/Aurora coming forth, descending like a shooting star. Being carried and embraced by a Prime Dragon of Purity, of the element of Source white infinite Love-Light. As the dragon passed through the veil, with my soul (AuroRa) in its embrace, it energetically brought my soul down to Aura. AuroRa/I, then integrated into the vessel, kept Aura’s human memories of her family and the experiences of being human, and Aura’s soul then left ascending out into the Fifth Dimension as that was her predestined timeline. I then became AuroRa, it is who I am today. I have ONE main mission, and that is to create A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing to assist Mother Earth and the positive Ascension’s timeline."
“I am not here for the riches, the fame, or the ego.
I am here for only one thing and no one will distract me from my mission.
I am here to empower souls of all kinds, the youngest of souls, the darkest of souls.
I am here for all of them. To remind them of the light that they are and have always been.
We have never lost hope in them nor shall we ever.”
As I AM, AuroRA♥️
To hear it straight from the clients and practitioners, click here for a video playlist of testimonials. Follow this link to aurapractitioners.com where there is over 200 reviews/testimonials from the clients and practitioners who have had a healing session or has received a Certification with Aurora.
Join us at our next Live Retreat or Online Workshop A.U.R.A. Hypnosis & R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certifications, click here for more details.
Aurora offers the following resources:
- Sign-up now for the free Galactic Newsletter
- Over 350 Videos to watch now, subscribe to her YouTube, Rumble, and Vimeo.
- Monthly Live Q&A and Guided Meditation with Aurora on Patreon
Aurora offers the following services to aid you in your self-healing journey:
- A.U.R.A. (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) Hypnosis Healing Sessions
- R.A.A.H. (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) Sessions
- Quantum Galactic Akashic Readings
For a list of A.U.R.A. & R.A.A.H. Certified Practitioners near you, please visit the Online Directory at www.aurapractitioners.com.
Aurora offers the following Certifications live online or in-person courses to expand your spiritual gifts:
- A.U.R.A. (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) Hypnosis Healing Certification
- R.A.A.H. (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) Certification
- Q.G.A.R. (Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading) Certification
- Isis Priestess & Priest Alchemy Mentorship Course (6 Months)
- Quantum Alchemy Channeling Certification
- Alchemy Classes: 13 Keys Archangels | Magical Creatures | Crystals, Candles & Oils
Certified QHHT Practitioner (Dolores Cannon)
Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master
Certified A.U.R.A. (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy)
Certified R.A.A.H. (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing)
Certified Q.G.A.R. (Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading)
Certified Quantum Alchemy Channeling
Certified Quantum Alchemy Energy Healing