Archangel Metatron


​​Archangel Metatron: He is the color purple/indigo, and all Elements. He is connected to the number sequence 11:11, representing new beginnings and manifestation, and he is the creation and creator of the Metatron Cubic Star. He is located with his Twin Flame Archangel Jophiel in the Universal Sacred Laws of "The Key of Shambhala", and within the 13th key "Heart Chakra". For more on these keys, click here

Archangel Metatron is associated with the Merkabah, also known as the Metatron’s Cubic Star. The Metatron cubic star he is holding in his palm in this image, represents the birthing of the first Universe. Which is why the 11:11 numerology sequence is the most powerful, and it is all to do with manifestations and creations. The Metatron cubic star is one of the most sacred geometry, because this symbol fits an infinite number of shapes and possibilities within it. Reminding us how infinite we are in human and cosmic potential as well. 

Together with his twin Archangel Jophiel, they are the first twins and the first Angels born from Archangel Four/Michael/The Prince of light/Divine Father and Divine Mother the Phoenix. Therefore, so too were they the first dragon babies of the Phoenix. By being the first angel children of Mother and Father, this gave Archangel Metatron the gift of the Metatron Cubic star, which allows him to reach and see all, within all Verses, in assistance for all in need. 

Call on him when you need additional clearing of energies with his Metatron Cubic Star. In assistance for those who need it, he is able to reach all parts of our organic Universes with his Metatron Cubic Star, to retrieve fractures of our soul, removal of clones made through military and alien experiments… He is great at getting the flow of energy through the third eye and crown chakra. Can aid in decalcifying, opening or expanding the third eye chakra. 

He exists within all geometric and repetitive shapes of creation. Loves to find solutions to all that is deemed impossible. Archangel Metatron is also the patron of gifted and sensitive children, assisting to maintain their abilities open, clearing them of the harm of immunizations, and aids overall all newly awakened. Works with prophets, and guardians of timelines. He is a bridge holding space for those who are a matching vibration to ascension, ready to enter the New Earth. Ask for Metatron’s assistance when you want to understand the mysteries of the Universe.


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For more on his role as a Guardian, click the videos below. 

This is the first channeling of Archangel Metatron, who gives a message to all his brothers and sisters through this live transmission. You won’t want to miss this one! He shares how he was created, the role he has played for humanity since the beginning of life, and his true twin flame. Hope, love, strength, and oneness. His divine part with Ascension, “The Event”. He will open your heart wide open, as you feel the presence of his beautiful heart.



Aurora channels Archangel Metatron, in a time where our souls are singing out for freedom and liberation. Teaching us how to alchemize into freedom of the soul. His connection to children from the time of their creation, to birth, and after, to aid with their gifts. His guidance to parents, the infringements to be aware of, and ways to avoid them. We are all data to the illuminati. How to aid the star children. Details on where and how to birth your children, and what to watch out for. Hospital births, and what is happening in the background really?!




Samia is a digital artist and a clear channel of benevolent energies.

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