Archangel Aurora - The Phoenix
Archangel Aurora: She is all colors, all elements, flower - red rose and multicolored Multiversal lotus flower. Is known as "The Phoenix" of Creation. She is Divine Mother Sophia out from Source, and is the first seed and soul of Divine Mother and Father. All souls birthed from the infinite womb she represents. She is the ‘Universal Grand Central Heart/Sun’ and is the Guardian of the 13th Key, ‘The Law of Love, Cosmic & Earth Gateway, the Heart Chakra.’ For more on this key, click here.
Call on her if you are experiencing strong infringements of negative energies, entities, and technologies within or without, which are part of the Inverted Matrix simulation. With her infinite Phoenix etheric, eternal flame she will aid you to begin the self-healing purification of what no longer serves you, making space for rebirth and renewal of what is needed for your highest good. Helping you rise out from your shadows into your infinite inner light. Assisting you to find your most true authentic self, in a fluent, constant shedding off the false persona, part of the 3D programming and grooming.
Archangel Aurora is a divine mirror which if ready, will catapult you in lifting into your highest vibration and light. Assisting you to remove blockages, by showing you one divine step at a time your false persona and reflections, bringing an energetic death to them, so that you may rise from the ashes embodying your original crystalline DNA soul blueprint, in order to accomplish ascension, rebirthed as the Phoenix.
She will assist to awaken and activate your heart, finding self-love, compassion, and love for all life in creation, even ones of the darkest forms. Reminding you that love is the invisible fabric that gives lifeforce to all which is divinely organic. She will help you tap into your infinite Source Love-Light energy in your everyday life, so that you may use this force-field to heal your environment and reality. She is the strongest Divine Mother and Archangel to call upon if you are looking to delete all inverted timelines from you and your loved ones Akashic Hall of Records. When you are in times of despair and have lost hope, she will come to you to remind you of the great beauties that you are, as the fractal of Source you are.
Archangel Aurora is known to be the strongest protector of all life, viewing all as equals. Divine Mothers have birthed from her essence such as Isis, Cleopatra, Kali Ma, Ishtar, Mother Mary... She is whom empowers and recharges us with her divine infinite love, embraces us with sovereignty, and leads the great Golden Age of our Earth, Universe and Multiverse Ascension!
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For more on her role as a Guardian, click the video below.
Greetings! Join us live as AuroRa delivers the next transmission to 'The Mayan Atlantean' series, of our Earth's Lemurian Galactic History. Come journey with us, remember the magic of these sacred lands and the people. What was life on Earth like, and what happened to it. The Fairy Tales of our childhood brought to life. The true story of Princess Aurora, Maleficent, King Arthur, and Merlin.
Samia is a digital artist and a clear channel of benevolent energies.
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