I wrote this in 2023, and I truly did not understand what these purifying flames of Source meant until now, among the energies of the eclipse of 2024. Excerpt from 'Galactic History of the Multiverse', Chapter 2 'The Key to Ascension'. "In this dream, I was viewing from a higher perspective, like a movie playing. The scene begins with me viewing humanity expressing their free-willed choices through their life paths on Earth. On the land there is a rapid moving flame that is transforming souls into Ascension as the flame touches them. If not the matching vibration of this purifying flame, the souls become engulfed by this sacred flame and they go through a form of reboot, turning into white...
The Artificial Intelligence (the real devil) is most predictable. Let me tell you all how it works when people in leadership positions, no matter in what industry are being run by ITS (A.I.) inverted Matrix’s, and not the original crystalline blueprint of Mother Gaia, which operates only within love: Those who are being outed around the world will play the victim, and parasitically feed off their followers' sympathy. Example: If they are run by the Archon Matrix and say they have issues with another person who is positive, they might make a video, write a post telling their audience with victimizing tears in their eyes saying “Oh, that’s not how I feel about so and so! Oh I am so...
Aurora🔥The Galactics. Stop giving people your information just because they ask or they make it seem that is for safety, it is not! Just like this police officer here in these images began a riot, there are many out there getting paid good money to act to riot, protest, survey you to distract us from the truth. To cause anger, rage in the collective and the negative entities feed off it and unbalance the collective. There are groups that the illuminati/influential leaders have and are paying to go town by town to vandalize each town. What the Galactics showed me is that a vast majority of these groups are drug lords that run cartels and their subordinates. Some of...
Adama the Galactics within the Inner Earth. Written 5/24/2020. We greet you. I am Adama, Galactic Leader residing within the Inner Earth. We come to you speaking of the negative timeline agenda of our Earth's time. The reason why? First we need to bring this into your awareness because if you are unaware of it, how is it that you will be able to shift it into a positive timeline? To know who we are inside the Earth, and this transmission is picking up from our 5/22/2020 live channel watch the video below to place the pieces together. For today's transmission will be focusing upon details of both the negative and positive of the 2nd wave negative a.i. matrix agenda....
We are the Galactics. Written 5/6/2020. Within your time and space the a.i. man-made virus Coronavirus has been eradicated from your collective because it is you who decided this. As your love and strength is outweighing the FEAR now. We have heard you, felt your strength, and seen your lights become brighter daily by regaining your sovereignty. Your Galactic soul families have worked within you every night before and since this covid-19 launch, working in your DNA structure to be immune to it. One of the reasons that you felt an increase of exhaustion this year, as your body is and has been going through a transformation. As we have channeled prior, this is the year of the...