Galactic News — Trump 2025 RSS

I Question Your Benevolence - I made it to the Donald J. Trump inauguration and the Robert Kennedy Jr. MAHA Make America Healthy Again Ball!

If you are still questioning President Trump’s benevolence, then know that I am questioning yours, and this is why! I challenge you to keep reading. There were 300,000 children who went missing a couple months before election day 2025. This number of missing children was archived in the government database, and I want to point out strongly that this was only a couple months before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' terms were about to end. Sadly, know that there were millions of children human sex trafficked just alone in their 4 year term, not including Obama’s 8 year term. So, this is why I question you. Looking around on social media there are still people that claim they are human...

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