Transcriptions of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healings Sessions — sisterhood RSS


"Galactic Soul History of the Universe" Book 1  SOVEREIGNTY PHOENIX RISING CHAPTER 35 Session #69: Recorded July 2018.  Never before shared.   This is an excerpt from an online A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing session facilitated on a fractal of Archangel Ariel/Area who is the client’s Higher Self. It is one of the most empowering messages shared for Earth and the Divine Feminine. As throughout Earth’s history women have been oppressed, but now are rising like the Sovereign Phoenix. This beautiful empowering session serves as a reminder of how strong we are together and how hard we are working to remove the programming upon us from society, religion, tradition, and schooling.  For too long they have controlled us by pinning us against...

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