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All services in site are available for payment plan options (USA only). Simply at checkout choose 'Pay in monthly installments' or there are payment plans available for our sessions and courses at Patreon.
To purchase the series of Galactic History of the Multiverse -The Final Battle:
Book 2: Hardcover or Paperback: Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Ebook at: Kindle, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Vivlio.
Book 1: Paperback: Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Ebook: at: Kindle, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Vivlio. Audiobook click here. Spanish Paperback/Ebook click here.
Click here to go to Rising Phoenix Aurora's Channels: YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, TikTok, Spotify, and Pinterest to get further acquainted with her work, and to watch a playlist of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Sessions.
Want to prepare by activating and developing your abilities further?
These services can get you started towards the direction of connecting and preparing you, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing, R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing 90 mins, Isis Priestess/Priest Mentorship, Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading 45 mins, Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading/Third Eye Energy Work 60 mins.
NEW! Rising Phoenix Mystery School will be hosting workshops for the public. These workshops will be designed to be divinely powerful and exactly what is needed for the collective! So, get ready for a soul transformation! Ensure to sign up to our newsletter to stay current will all workshops.
Divine Mother Pharaoh Hathor | Isis | Cleopatra - Unveiling the Mystics of Egypt
Have you always wanted to remember Egypt at her prime? Then this is the course for you. This is the most expansive course series on Earth of Egypt you will ever learn! Come remember these sacred ancient teachings, diving deep into the mystics of the pyramids, temples, and hieroglyphics. What was this civilization like and their high dimensional capabilities? The Galactic Port within Egypt, the world, and Universe. How to become our highest crystalline self through the memory of the mystical sacred alchemy of Egypt.
Pt 1:
- 3.4 hours class video
- The true history of Egypt in chronicle order
- What happened to Egypt after Pharaoh Cleopatra left
- Pharaoh Cleopatras true story never told
- The Romans dark sorcery
- The Atlantean technology of Egypt
- The true messages left behind by the the hieroglyphics
- The Divine Mothers and Priestesses of Egypt
- The pyramids and how they are connected to the Milky Way and astrology
- Why is Egypt also Grand Canyon
- Thoth and The Emerald Tablets
Pt 2:
- 3.4 hours class video
- A tour down The Nile, the pyramids and temples
- The secrets to the Philosopher stone and the consistency of Mercury. How to harness it from the Earth and use it as an alchemist?
- Understanding the simulation within the 3D construct, and locating the 4D and 5D constructs on Earth
- The creation of the Milky Way and the 88 constellations within it, and the way the stars assist our construct and all lifeforms. The origin to the stars and their role to us on Earth
- Star Polaris/The North Star and the connection to all stars above us and the Multiverse
- Why is Egypt and the Nile River so special? Why were are all the pyramids and temples built there?
- The construct of Earth and how it works within Magnetic fields, Toru, and Toroidal spheres
- Alchemy Symbols to unify yourself to the celestial being you are
- Divine tools and how to create them to become your ultimate self to amplify your magnetic field
- The completed Ankh, its true meaning and why is it found depicted all over Egypt and how to use it daily
- Understanding the Universal Sacred Law of the Universe located in Egypt 'The Law of Cause & Affect - The Third Eye'
Pt 3:
- 4.1 hours class video
- A tour up The Nile, the pyramids and temples
- An intimate tour into some of the most visited temples of Egypt - Temple Of Isis, Sethy, Dendera Temple Divine Mother Hathor, and the constellations that they are linked to
- The center temple and point where souls travel through portal dimensions
- Deciphering hieroglyphics and how to read them
- The sacred teachings of the Multiversal Lotus Flower and the right of passage
- The Inter-dimensional Galactic Ports, alien races, and Guardians of Egypt
Pt 4:
- 3.4 hours class video
- A tour up The Nile, the pyramids and temples
- Why was Papyrus used to scribe the ancient teachings, the medicine of this plant
- Sacred alchemy symbols as the Ankh and an Egyptian twin flame alchemy Mandela symbol and how to connect to the infinite power of the twin flame union
- The magic of the Scarab and its mysteries unveiled. Why is it depicted all over Egypt?
- Plant medicine and the importance of the roots of all plantlike
- Divine Fathers role with Divine Mother and the way to create all
- The galactic history of the Sirius constellation and why are so many attracted to it
Pt 5:
- 4.04 hours class video
- A tour up The Nile, the pyramids and temples
- What is the true purpose of the relics spread out all over the world in Museums
- The true origins of meteorites and asteroids
- The Annunaki and the Reptilians negative contract
- Why are tales told pinning God and Deities against each other
- The Third Eye, brain and cerebellum of Earth
- Touring the Kom Ombo & Edfu temple and deciphering its hieroglyphs
- The 33 sons of Ra, Horus, The Blue Avians, Anubis and Thoths true role for humanity
- The birthing sanctuary, the temple of the afterlife, Akashic, life review and past life memories
The Oracle of Delphi Returns – Connecting To Your Other Fractals - Becoming an Alchemist & Master of Timelines
We were bathed in the Oracle’s most divine, powerful, wisdom when AuroRa channeled and taught our last class of the Oracle of Delphi, ‘Becoming our Oracle’ course. Come listen and grow with the most known and adored Oracle of Earth’s History, The Oracle of Delphi Pythia. Join us again as she speaks to us, sharing all that she learned through the experience of living hundreds of years in the then 4th dimensional Earth, after the fall of Atlantis. How did she do it? How did she know the future? Becoming our own time traveler through our consciousness.
- 4.2 hours class video
- A Guide on how to connect to the other fractals of you, assisting them to heal, healing yourself in the now in preparation for ascension
- Self mastery by connecting to your Tree of Life and the womb of your creation
- Harnessing the plasma within our bodies and around us to time travel through our consciousness
- Locating the other fractals of you on Earth, assisting you to grow whole and stronger
- The Fibonacci spiral symbol, how it has never been explained before, activating it within our bodies
- Connecting and using the sound frequencies of healing
- Activating the sacred Christ Consciousness labyrinth within your brain
- Yeshua shares more of his journey and some of what he accomplished his 133 years of life
- The unburdened and unattached path from others
- The unveiling of the sacred alchemy forgotten taught in this time and space
Mother Mary - The Divine Path of Mother & Sacred Childbirth
AuroRa channels Mother Mary, teaching us the divine role of motherhood, whether you are a mother in the physical or not. How to embody the mother within us all, to strongly, but gently nurture life into our lives. Whether your children are older or you are looking to sacredly birth, come learn how to birth children unburdened by the karmic wheel. If your children are older, learn how to go back to when your children were being conceived and carried in your womb, to birth them energetically at the highest vibration and love.
- 4.5 hours class video
- A guide on how to bifurcate back in time to heal your infant self, your children from preconception, conception, birth and living, transforming them into an organic experience
- To sacredly birth an unburdened child, tied not to the inversions, and past life karma
- A Douala walks us through why a private home birth, anti c-section, birthing positions, the placenta
- The violations unto infants seconds after being born into the hospitals
- Sacred alchemy, such as the ancient Triquetra and Fibonacci code, and how it connects to all birthing
- The different densities of waters and how to use their infinite healing potentials
- Understanding children with disorders to alleviate their needed healing
- Healing through sacred sex for both partners
- Tips on how to interact with your baby naturally in the womb, per how to hear the heartbeat
Buddha - The Path of Enlightenment - Understanding the Brain & Consciousness
AuroRa teaches a transcending course channeling Ascended Master Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. Going deep into the human brain and how it works so that you may reach the highest levels of consciousness. Accessing the dimensions that exist within you, the Universe, and Multiverse. A guide in how to reach enlightenment within the state of Nirvana.
- 4.4 hours class video
- How to connect and work with our crystalline bodies
- The Fibonacci symbol alchemy and how to utilize it within and without
- The 4 brain lobes purpose, neurons, gray & white matter within the brain and levels of consciousness
- The spinal cord and nervous system
- How to shift into different brainwaves and dimensions
Working with sacred labyrinths
- The medicine and wisdom of the sacred snake
- Neurological diseases and how to heal them
- The alchemy of the Flower of Life
Archangel Raphael – The Human Body & DNA - Healing Self and Trauma
AuroRa teaches a profound course channeling Archangel Raphael, the Patron of healers and the emerald Angelic ray. Come learn how the human body, energetic and crystalline bodies work together, looking deeply into the human genome and DNA. The mapping of the soul within our bodies, that connects to our multidimensional being, and its unlimited healing potentials.
- 4.4 hours class video
- What they don't tell us about our DNA, what is it truly?
- Deep into our DNA both scientifically and energetically, to reconstruct, activate and heal our DNA, ultimately healing ourselves
- How we enter into this Matrix and the crystalline energy encasing us, and maneuvering our way out the inverted
- A map and breakdown of the body anatomy and how it is one with all our bodies, crystalline, energetic, etheric, and emotional bodies
- Neurologically how your brain works so that you may connect to the Universe that exists within your brain
- Detecting and removing the blockages within us in order to self heal
- Deeper into our connection with the trees
- How to overcome the targeting system of the pharmaceutical industry
- Unlocking the Cymatics you are and understanding the true power of the water within
- Working through trauma and ptsd to finally heal out from it
- Sacred alchemy to heal you through all time and space of your Tree of Life
- The true power of the caduceus, sacred serpent, and kundalini
- Unlocking our infinite potentials of self healing within nature
- How to use the sacred alchemy and geometry within to self-heal
A blueprint to what really water is on Earth, the bodies within bodies
Becoming our Oracle taught by the Oracle of Delphi
Join us as AuroRa teaches a deep, intimate course on what it was like to be the Oracle of Delphi, and the sacred ways that she became the most esteemed Oracle of Earth's History. Come learn how to embody and become the oracle of your divine path, by looking beyond the veil, and uniting all self's of you, past, present and future. The divine workings of the consciousness and third eye, taught like never before.
3.31 hours class video
- The true origins and history of the Greek Gods & Goddesses, and the Giants
- The Earth's dissension from 5D to 3D
- The Eternal Flames within the Tartarian temples
- The dark sorcery of the Skin Walkers, their origins and history
- Remembering and exploring the Temple of Apollo and Delphi Temple
- Back in time to the Oracle of Delphi's life
- Sacred alchemy taught by the most powerful being ever known incarnated
- Forgotten Atlantean sacred teachings remembered
- The Grid Workers of Greece
- The mapping of our crystal bodies in the 5D Earth blueprint and which crystals assist to vibrate to this highest light
- Techniques how to make the most positive choices for the most organic timelines
- Sacred Alchemy Symbols never shared before
- Becoming a master of our time, slowing time down
The ways that the past mirrors the now
Cymatics & the Long Lost Ancient Teachings of the Mayans - Taught by the Mayan Goddesses & Gods!
The Gods & Goddesses of the Mayans teach us in this sacred class the long, lost alchemy of Cymatics and sacred geometry. Going into the Mayan calendars true meaning, and why 12.21.2012? Why the number sequences throughout their calendar system. What were they trying to tell us through their hieroglyphics left behind. Astrology, earth history, timelines, ascension... The Ancient sacred teachings of Atlantis remembered.
3.44 hours class video
Why did the Mayans disappear? What really happened to them?
Why did the entire star constellation shift in orbit, and Earth in 2024?
The mysteries of the time construct of Earth unraveled, and how to work within our brainwaves
Understanding the Cymatics of our brain, the civilizations before us, and how Cymatics is Creation
The Stellar Gateways of Earth and crop circles unraveled
Understanding the divine purpose to the pyramids built, Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis
The sacred lands of the Yucatan Peninsula, and Mexico
The music of all organic Creations and hertz frequencies
Bringing back the organic blueprint of food
The 4th dimension never understood before
Why did the Mayan Calendar begin at 3114 BC and end 2012 AD?
Pleiades, the 7 sisters, and the number 13 in relation to reality
The Manifestation & Art of the Twin Flame Union
Taught by the Divine Mothers & Fathers of Creation, Mother Isis & Osiris, Hathor & Father Ra, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua...
The Divine Mothers and Fathers teach us in this sacred class the alchemy and art of our womb, the female an male sacral chakras, and the removal of the inversions of these sacred divine parts of us. Have you been working all your life to manifest a Twin Flame union or looking to work closer with your current Twin Flame union? Then this is the class for you!
The ancient teachings of the temples of Egypt and the sacred Priestesses and Priests. AuroRa shares the highest wisdom through the eyes and experiences of the infinite love of the ultimate twin flame union, Divine Mother & Father of Creation! Come bask in the energies of these sacred couples, to ignite the flame within, in order step into what is next in your divine organic path in the Year of the Dragon, of coming into sacred union with your TWIN FLAME!
- 3.35 hours class video
- The origins of how a soul and twin flame union is created
- How to manifest and protect your twin flame union
- Yeshua & Magdalene tell their sacred union when alive
- Twin flame sacred alchemy symbols
- The sacredness to the womb, vagina, penis, and sperm
- The energetics to creating and birthing babies
- The true beauty of manifesting through sacred sex
- The differences between the soul mate and twin flame dynamics
- The divine timing of a twin flame union
- Does everyone have a twin flame
- The art of the lotus flower with a twin flame bond
- The Celestial Dragons
- Discernment on the confusion of twin flame knowledge
- The eclipses connection to twin flames
- Healing through sexual trauma
Join us as AuroRa hosts a class on one of the most important topics for the spiritually awakened collective, a guide and workshop to manifestation. A surprise visit by her beloved husband Zen, and his words of wisdom in the ways to manifest. Sacred knowledge stemming forth from Ascended Masters, Divine Mother & Father.
We are taught and programmed by the world around us all our lives how our aspirations and our dreams are too far for our reach, and that we will never manifest them. We spiritual beings can often have obstacles manifesting our divine worth and dreams. Come learn how to begin to bridge manifesting your organic timelines, a divine partner, love, happiness, dream home... Divine sacred alchemy of manifestation.
- 3.22 hours class video
- How to manifest with sacred alchemy symbols
- A guide in how to manifest
- A deep dive into the inversions that are holding us back from our true manifesting potentials, 'the art of letting go'
- How to work within our Tree of Life to flow in abundance
- Sacred knowledge and wisdom from the ancients
- How to use our Sacral Chakra and energies for manifestation
- Utilizing tools to manifest, as vision boards, the elements, Moon cycle, self love..
- How to use your higher chakras up to the 13th and beyond to manifest Source Love-Light onto Earth in your day to day life
The Alchemy of Becoming Sovereign - The Removal of Toxic People - Taught by Divine Father Shiva & Kali Ma
Divine Father Shiva and Mothers Kali Ma & Durga teach this sacred class. Come bask in their beauty and strength, to ignite the flame within, in order step into what is next in your divine organic path in the Year of the Dragon!
We often don't realize how holding onto toxic people affects us in our everyday life, through manifestation, clearness of mind, obtaining highest vibration or leveling up our abilities further. Come learn the different ways that the constant link to these people influence you, in order to release and detach from these exhausting and draining programs. Come learn how to take your divine power back, and step into your most organic timelines. There is much that goes into the details of how to detach from toxic people, so that you won't leave one stone unturned. Come take your divine power back through all time and space.
- 3.51 hours class video
- Sacred alchemy symbols
- How to use 'your gut', your natural intuition within your solar plexus as a superpower, assisting you to scan energies and situations
- A guide in how to become sovereign and remove toxic people, but still honor their role
- The art of surrender, letting go, and how to master it
- The self mastery of working with our toroidal sphere through our 'I AM'
- A deep dive into the inversions that are holding us back from our highest potentials of vibration
- The crystalline grid within which connects to the Universe
- The ways that toxic and narcissistic people infringe in disguise
- Separating the 3D life from the 5D life
- Scanning and reading energy, your environment, children, and spouses
- How to use money in the highest vibration and not tainted
- The removal of illusions and the artificial, the Archon Playbook
- Stepping into our Divine Mother & Father essences
Every Sacred Alchemy Class Comes With the 'How to Shield Course':
Have you always wanted to learn how to begin through self sovereignty to take your divine power back? How to "Not Consent to Infringement"? To learn how to use the force of Love-Light around you consciously? Then this is the class for you.
Come learn how to simply take your sovereignty back by becoming and remembering that you are a Quantum Alchemist. Through this class you will learn how to use the force around you, through the organic Quantum World of the Universe that exists within you and all around you. Assisting you in becoming the highest vibrational version of you everyday.
Do you often feel drained or constant brain-clutter. Come learn to use your "I AM Source Love-Light", which becomes an organic filter around you daily amplifying your natural senses, abilities, and heart discernment.
Teachings stemming forth of forgotten sacred knowledge from The Essenes, Egypt, Atlantis, Greece. This class is a beautiful collaboration in union with a diverse team of Benevolent Guides birthing from Divine Mother Sophia, Divine Father Kryst, Ascended Masters, and the Angelics.
What comes with the course: