Inspiration by AuroRa RSS

First came the water

December 31, 2023 Today is meaning that 2 cannot become until 1 begins, and 3 cannot triple until 2 has duplicated. All within Creation cannot begin, unless the first, second, third divine step has been taken. May you use this sacred knowledge to take the 4th step.   And, then I write… First came the water then came the pearl from within the water then came the Creator birthed from the pearl who then grew into a tree, The Tree of Life   Thank you Divine Mother, you are our Tree, you are our LIfe. 𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸R𝓪 ♥️ Author of "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" Book Series Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School  ...

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I know I don't share much of my personal life...

The most wanted emotion we all search for is LOVE. We often look outside of us for that love, and we forget that our Twin Flame exists within us throughout all time in space, no matter what incarnation we are experiencing. We are whole, because they have always existed within us, from the beginning of when our Twin Flames birthed forth from one another. This sacred understanding is what manifests our true twin flame union, we have been in search to come to be.If we are blessed to have our beloved one's in the physical, then we must do all to 'Live to Love' each other. I am strong because he is strong, and he is strong because I am...

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A Deer Kissed Me On the Lips!

This is one of my most favorite moments at the Angel Oaks Retreat! The best kiss of my life, that is after my husband of course lol!THE DAY A DEER KISSED ME ON THE LIPS!We were so blessed to stay on an Island full of deer who are the guardians of this holy land. And, the last day, right before I left, a very handsome deer came up to me, and I bent down to him and he kissed me!The deer is a noble sacred magical creature, who's true form looks golden, with horns that are largely adorned on their crown in spiral shapes.When the deer kissed me, the love felt vibrated through my entire body, and in that moment...

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The Signature of A Soul

As a teacher. This is one of my favorite teachings. I do this around a real physical bonfire, and watch as each student goes through a transformation within as they try to wrap their minds around why it is that the person sitting next to them would see the fire differently.   The Key to what we are sharing through these sacred teachings. Is to honor one another in the beauties and differences that we all are. For we all have been created in the most beautiful uniqueness that allows for us to view and feel things through a completely different spectrum from one another. The reason why this is so important is: if we all learned to honor and...

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