How do you put into words when you have met the Earth’s shiniest star incarnate, and now they have ascended out back to a star? I shall do so today!
Lead by her heart, Dayle Haddon left sprinkles of her love everywhere she stepped foot, and we know that was many places! There is so much I can say of her wisdom shared, so I will share just a little with you through this article.
Last I got to be in her presence Dayle said, "Aurora, I lived a good life. I have tried and accomplished it all, while always feeling so protected."
We now have the brightest and shiniest star guiding and protecting humanity, as she has always been. To have known Dayle, was to have known raw love, which is a gem in a world which at times can feel like it is full of unpolished stones.
Dayle Haddon was an esteemed dancer, actor, author and activist. Dayle chose to ascend out from Earth on December 27th, 2024.
I met Dayle Haddon back in 2020, in a time when the Earth was in trouble because of the plandemic. She scheduled a Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading with me, without telling me who she was right away, though she needed not to, as I knew I was looking at a star. As she sat in her home in New York, I kept blinking my physical eyes because her presence was so immensely bright, almost too bright to look upon.
Dayle, did so much for all she met, even if you were blessed with just her gaze.
What she did for me in a world with so many people filled with trauma and pain, which is my work for the collective, SHE GAVE ME HOPE ONCE MORE! Because in her I saw the raw true human potential of one operating within Source Love-Light! For those who know my divine work, know that is how I operate everyday, but I had yet to find someone in that time that did so too. In her presence she healed my heart, so that I could trust once more that there is such a thing of a divine friendship with no self-gain intentions. If you were a friend to Dayle Haddon, then you knew that you were blessed to be in her blissful presence, even if it was just for a moment.
Thank you Dayle Haddon for your dedication to our divine cause in saving humanity by awakening them to their hearts!
Here are some of my favorite stories I can share with you about Dayle. First, was her ONE and only love in this life, her daughter Ryan Haddon, who is once more, in her own way a most beautiful reflection of her Mother! It was such an honor to watch the way Dayle Haddon looked at her daughter, guiding her gently but strongly. The fact that everything that Dayle did on this Earth was for her daughter! This once more healed my heart, to know that on Earth there could be a pure love of a Mother onto a child. ONCE MORE GIVING ME HOPE!
Not only was she a mother and grandmother embodying the strongest maternal love, but too was she to the children of Earth. Her love for children was unmeasurable, so much so that she was the Founder and CEO of So make sure you keep in mind her foundation when looking to donate for a real nonprofit organization, fully focused on assisting children all over the world, providing them with education, shelter, and clothing.
Watch this video for a short introduction to her work with the children:
Dayle would share with me how all her life she was looking for answers of spirituality, but never quite found it until she ran into our content in November 2020, through a video I made with my beloved friend President Eisenhower's great granddaughter Laura Eisenhower, “Red vs Blue - Timeline Wars - Archon A.I. & the Antidote”. Since that day her resolve never faltered through our Rising Phoenix Mystery School.
When in Dayle’s presence all one could do was to be silent and listen to her golden wisdom emanating through her that penetrated deep into your soul, which would awaken any soul that allowed it. Being in Dayle’s presence was one of the biggest honors of my life.
Dayle Haddon is ‘Ageless Beauty’!
A message from the stars from Dayle Haddon “"Cherish and treasure your loved ones! Live everyday in celebration, and never give up! Enjoy everyday life on Earth. Try good foods, give a good hug, surround yourself with good friends. Do your makeup, dress beautifully, but do it for yourself! Do something for someone without asking for anything in return. Dance, sing, laugh like you have never before! And, most importantly, love like you never have before!"
Here are a couple pictures that Dayle Haddon took of me. My favorite thing of this collage is how the photographer always captures an image of the beauty of their subject, in the way they see a person or a landscape. And, these pictures are a testament of the way that she saw people for their beauty! In the middle picture, she wrapped this scarf around me, ever so gently and elegantly, teaching me how to wear a scarf.
Dayle Haddon, as always, I love you, honor you, and respect you.
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