The Resistance Has Begun! SAVE THE CHILDREN OF EARTH!

Are you in your heart enough to read this entire post?
Are you really here to assist the children of Earth?
Are you really here to assist the collective ascension?
Are you really here to stand up for sovereignty and the free will of humankind?
Or are you looking the other way, as you don’t want to talk about President Donald J. Trump, because you don’t want to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation with your peers or the community you are a part of? If you worry about this, then these are not truly your friends nor are they benevolent. If you shy from doing so, ask yourself, are you truly in your heart, here to assist Mother Earth and her children?

We all have been waiting for this pivotal moment, where the resistance is the majority! Why must we allow confusion to still cloud us?

Today, President Donald J. Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr., have announced that they are and will be working together. Why? Kennedy said, because Trump wants to save the children, were his exact words! Remember, since last year we spoke of that they were already working together, but now it is public. They both spoke of the real things that the people truly care about.

Want to see for yourself, then watch and read the links below. Here is the truth straight from them. These 2 men are some of the most targeted men on Earth, and it is time that we stand with them, rather stand submissively to the side, in confusion,  created by those in our lives who cloud our minds and block our hearts to not understand the extremity and importance of the now, in saving the children.

To hear Kamala speak of Donald Trump in her recent democratic speech, this is the exact example of the classic bully, trying to target their next victim. I will never align with hate and bullying.


One of the most important topics that Trump spoke of today was that Kamala just lost 300,000 immigrant children, factually noted in the government database. That they have gone missing in our borders, are being currently human trafficked and raped right now, if they are still alive!!!

“Many of these children are now in Sex slavery or they’re dead.. probably mostly dead… They were swept out of their homes.. they were taken out of their homes.” ~Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump is so benevolent that he invited the family of 12 year old Jocelyn to speak in awareness, who was raped and killed by cloned migrants.

If you still don’t see how benevolent this is, you are extremely controlled or compromised. I am not here to make friends or prove myself to anyone! I am here to save the children. And, if you are here to play these Archon A.I. games, move the **** out of my way! I know who I am and how pure my heart is, and you won't convince me otherwise.

Here is the link of Jocelyn’s family speaking:

Here is the link to Trump’s entire speech tonight in Phoenix Arizona:

I have been speaking to you of Trump’s benevolence for 5 years, and finally he can speak of the missing children directly to the public. THIS IS WHAT WE ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Let's amplyify this momentum, flow and grow with it!

Here it is! You wanted proof of what I spoke of, that he was here to save the children. Follow this link to hear him say it:

Here is another mother who Trump invited to speak, who’s daughter was raped and killed by illegal aliens, while going for a jog in their friendly neighborhood trai:

Here is the link to an article on Kennedy titled “Breaking: RFK Jr. Suspends Presidential Campaign, Will Join Forces With Trump to ‘Save Millions of Children”:

Here is the link of Kennedy speaking of saving the children:

Choose which world you want to vibrate to, one where children are being raped or not. Once more, I can care less if this hurts your feelings, what I care about is children not being trafficked and raped, as I am actively on the front line of this spiritual warfare saving children.

“I am not here to fight these Archon A.I. battles. I am here to end them!"

Author of "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" Book Series
Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School

1 comment


    Beautiful Aurora! I believe In President Donald John Trump!

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