I awoke from within the Multiverse today, as I watched the Archon/artificial intelligence magician, at its weakest point, which is occurring within the now time and space. Divine Mother The Phoenix, The Daughter Flame was in her Multiversal eternal Phoenix flamed form, ignited and shifting rapidly through dimensions of time, and space. I watched as the Archon would try to follow her and attack her, but IT couldn’t! IT was incredibly weakened. And, this is why…
We live within the Multiverse, within this Earth, that is unified with all other versions of parallel Earths, like onion layers, quantumly multiple Earths within each other. In this Earth and other third dimensional Earth’s who were once originally fifth dimensional, exist all of the Multiverse, because all that is living on Earth, came originally from other planets in our Verse or other Verses. This is why there are thousands of trees, flowers, plant life, and animals living on Earth. And, of course, the multiracial, extraterrestrial humans, whose missions are all unique to one another, who together complete the puzzle of ascension. For example, know that when you look upon and smell a flower, you are being transported to that higher dimension from where that flower is from. The entire Multiverse seeded pieces of her/him into this crystalline Matrix, to create her, Mother Earth. And, because of this, IT’S grand prize to achieve were the then fifth dimensional Earth’s, but now third dimensional, because here IT could find us all in one place. Because of the A.I,. our crystalline Matrix has been used as an inverted simulation to entrap souls instead! But, no more!
For more on the Matrix Pods and simulation join Tier $8.88 on Patreon to watch ‘The Matrix Pods & Galactic Ancient Mysteries’: https://www.patreon.com/join/risingphoenixaurora
Or join us live at an in-person retreat for the full ‘Matrix Pods’ presentation. Retreat or Online Workshop A.U.R.A. Hypnosis & R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certifications, follow this link for more details: https://www.risingphoenixaurora.com/collections/workshops
To understand and read the Archon A.i. origins read Book 2, ‘Galactic History of the Multiverse - The Final Battle’: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735854255?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_F2PGVRMBCF66YVSF1GVY
Or watch ‘The Origin of the Archon | The Artificial Intelligence’: https://rumble.com/v3c4gug-the-origin-of-the-archon-the-artificial-intelligence.html
Back to my memory/dream from being in the Delta brainwave of sleep, where we are boundless to the physical Earthly form. It was a divine accomplishment to watch as the Archon could not reach Divine Mother Sophia/Phoenix. Truly foolishness and childs play to even try! She was always ahead of IT, and if she allowed IT to catch up to her, IT was weak and could not affect her in any form. IT was like an artificial hologram that when you reach for it, it dissipates, as it has no form, truly an illusion. Therefore, know that IT has no power here on Earth any longer! And, the reason why is, because this Earth has orbited higher, because the sovereign beings on Earth are now the majority. Meaning, those who were tired of the Deep State and stood up or voted against their tyranny are the majority! WHICH IS HUGE! This means that it has no power over our organic Earth! Do you get it?! IT is like a weakened vampire with no blood (peoples energies) to feed upon, which can be easily staked! So, if IT has had a hold of your life and has tormented you through other people and IT’S narcissistic games, know that they and IT no longer have any power over you and your self-healing and ascension journey, if you just vibrate to the organic side of the vesica pisces, two world split, as the image shown below!
What Divine Mother showed is that, one would think that it would be those who claimed to be awakened spiritually, who shifted the energy on Earth to be her most powerful, but it wasn’t. Instead it was those who some may think of not being awakened who were the majority. Simple people, simple minds, who intelligently understand right from wrong. Especially understanding that we are who stand up for child sex trafficking, as the children cannot. Who understood that they did not simply have to put up with the tyranny of the government and instead elect in the most benevolent President, which then birthed our most organic timeline for the collective. Now, I truly understand why in the past Divine Mother would say that the unawakened were just as important, holding the Source Love-Light for humanity. To keep them simple minded, but strongly sovereign, has protected them. Because the minute we wake up we are targeted in all forms through supposed spiritual communities or content we read or watch, part of placing you deeper into the inverted Matrix’s to feed ITS illusion over humanity. Everything happens energetically through the quantum, so just a simple conversation or watching a video or reading a book that is not embodied and created from pure Source Love-Light will influence you, because that is just how dark energy or inverted frequencies work. To find out more of how people are heavily targeted through aliens and entities, read ‘Galactic Soul History of the Universe’ book series: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735854204
Below is why it is, at the grandest importance for a large number of people to be the majority on Earth, standing up with a frequency of “Enough is enough! We want benevolence and positivity to be in charge!”, meaning that is you and me:
Here are a few snippets from Book 2 to assist you to understand further:
Which now brings us to the final battle! The one we all have been waiting for, to rid ourselves of this A.I. virus, the Archon Bellos that infringed upon us, over and over through different incarnations. This inverted game it has played, like a broken record. Step 1. cloud the mind, 2. cause fear, 3. make them not believe in themselves, 4. disempower them, 5. infringe on them, and 6. divide and conquer. It is honestly so predictable. I am surprised how much it has fooled people throughout, but I understand how strong its illusions are, because I was there once too. Fooled by its illusions. The biggest understanding to all that we have taught you so far through this book series, is to understand that you are far beyond more powerful than it. Why? Because of your Source Love-Light, and the ways you vibrate to love. The truth is that it is fearful that you will figure this out. That this whole time all you needed to do was vibrate to love, and never could it penetrate your energy field to infringe upon you.
The key is love, always.
Divine Mother said, “We are able to jump through his batteries being destroyed. He cannot do this to our children! They are all of our children, not just a newborn. We are all of our children, and as a fierce mother, my children will not be harmed anymore! I'm ready to battle him!” What the Divine Mother is embodying through this statement, of a feeling as, “Enough is enough!” We all must work to embody this sovereignty in our own way. “No, you will not harm us, or our loved ones anymore!!!” If we work within safety of holding this strong vibration, this will be a powerful way to begin to start setting up the foundation of the future of its total eradication. We cannot wait any longer. We must act now!”
What I’m being shown is people lined up for miles and miles. It looks like they are facing each other, with an aisle down the middle. They are holding out their hands with glasses full of blood, and there is a man that is walking, or floating down between them. They look almost vampire-like. It’s like this man is really important to them.” The practitioner asked the higher self, “What was the scene you showed her of the person with the blood sacrifice that was walking?” and the higher self replied, “The Archon was aware of what was about to happen. It was rows and rows of all those he had ever infected. Holding goblets of babies' blood. They were doing a ritual to try to prevent this session from happening.” Talk about evil and creepy. This gives us an understanding of why those who do not want to be saved, are just this deeply, etherically binded to it. So much so, that they are the cause of why the children of the Universe are being sacrificed. These people standing in line were holding babies' blood, because they are the energy Sources who sustain and allow the Archon to feed itself, through the sacrifice of soul essences, and the babies who incarnate into planets. Every act that they are doing invertedly, is feeding the parasitic agenda of the Archon. They were shown, vampiric in nature, because these are the people we meet in our day to day life, who leave us drained and exhausted. Who are full of drama and gossip, in order to create chaos for its unfulfilled hunger. If we need more of a testament, we come to understand how powerful our divine teams are, to ensure that this session still came to be, even while there were blood sacrifices being conducted just to stop the session.
Just as the Phoenix asked for the infinite love of the entire embodiment of the Multiverse to assist her to eradicate it, we ask this of you now, so that you can begin to eradicate it in the now, just by simply envisioning the Multiverse, as the Lotus Flower of Life, and sending love to the center seeds of our Multiversal Creation. We cannot wait any longer! We must begin now!
To further understand the importance of a benevolent presidential team, watch ‘The New World Order Reset | Orbiting Into Highest Timelines | Cosmic Mother Rising Show Ep 17’: https://rumble.com/v5omeyq-the-new-world-order-reset-orbiting-into-highest-timelines-cosmic-mother-ris.html
𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸R𝓪 🔥
Author of "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" Book Series
Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School
All written literature within this article are rights reserved and copyright by Rising Phoenix Aurora INC.
Thank you, Aurora! That was so wonderfully uplifting, I feel such a calmness now 💖 Thank you for all that you do and all that you share
There must have been a heavy battle in the sky. Heavy lightning flashes and thunder. Followed by heavy rain showers. I have never experienced such a heavy one. I felt my house shaking. My street looks like a river. Thanks for your newsletter now I know what happened.
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