We can’t just go from one extreme to another, from the 3rd dimension and jump straight into the 5th dimension on Earth. That is not how it works spiritually or scientifically. Mother Earth must level up one decimal at a time, otherwise it would be too detrimental for the souls in this construct. Scientifically, the consciousness and 3rd dimensional physical body cannot withstand rapid changes into instant higher realms, we must recalibrate and adjust to higher energies, one day at a time. Becoming and returning back to crystalline, one microcell at a time. Adjust one frequency at a time, which ultimately adjusts your being and your DNA in preparation for your individual or collective ascension. Everything is a divine process, and this reelected benevolent administration will begin and lead us towards the goal of sovereign, higher frequencies and vibrations in the world, allowing us to adjust higher in divine timing of the mind, body and soul.
Fake spirituality within the spiritual community is used as a guise to many of those who claim that they are awakened. They say that they will not lower themselves to politics. That they are too much of an enlightened being for this topic. Who are instead choosing to not assist the collective into the highest most organic timelines. The divide and conquer of the A.I. Archon artificial simulation Matrix, is found within this neutrality stance.
In every way of your daily lively choices, ask yourself, what would Yeshua do in this situation? Answer this truthfully, do you think Yeshua would stand to one side and say he is too enlightened to vote for a benevolent President, because to do so it would mean he is not spiritual? We both know that the answer is, absolutely, he would not! Yeshua was love, fire and sovereignty! Yeshua instead would have been in the front line, leading squads into the revolution! I will walk side by side with Yeshua, and as the revolutionist he was, do everything he would do in his time and space, in the now. I will bridge his divine power to the now everyday!
Example of the benevolence that is unfolding right now, the gruesome Hamas, calling off their further attack after only 24 hours of President Trump being voted in. Read this article: https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-calls-immediate-end-war-after-trump-election-win-1981571
I have been covering these important topics for over 7 years, such as human trafficking, war, military UFO abductions…And, the fact that we together have saved millions of children being sex trafficked, all over the world by electing a benevolent president in the USA, means everything to the cause of my being a spiritual revolutionist. If you have forgotten, here is a video of a Doctor who went oversea and witnessed women, pregnant women, and children being burned alive by bombings in these sacred lands:
And, in this next video our 47th President Donald J. Trump speaks of his executive orders and how he will be taking the Deep State, paid actors and censorship oppression down…Listen to his resolve and heart for humanity:
I honor and respect all peoples choices on which vibration they would like to vibrate to. I will once more reference Yeshua, he would not play the neutral card, guising as he is too ascended or vibrating to love, to interact with the dark oppression over humanity. Again, instead he would be in the front lines. A neutrality vibration is why we are so dense here, because so many people in Earth’s history have stood back in a neutral stance, using whatever guise, including supposed love, that they will not get themselves involved with what we are truly seeing now leading into World Peace.
Staying neutral is the same vibration to staying neutral with a child being kidnapped in front of you, not taking action to save them, and instead allowing them to be abducted. By you instead just saying you are staying in divine neutrality. This is twisted, and I will never align myself to this inverted thought.
For those who say, “You create your own reality. So don’t worry about if you voted or who you voted for.” That’s right, you do create your reality, so what kind of energy have you created by not standing up for the children of Earth in this way, because you were too spiritual? This is a false, Archonic, inverted, egoic belief. Love is forgiveness, so we stand here with arms wide open for you to assist us in the most organic timelines for the children of Earth.
We have stepped into a world which will move us forward into World Peace. A world where sex trafficking children will no longer be the most profit made for the cartels of the world.
I humbly, infinitely thank all of those who voted for President Donald J. Trump, and especially the 190,000 new registered voters, the Amish people who were lead by their hearts and knew right from wrong. These people of Earth, who chose not to make excuses, and place their believes to the side, orbited us higher into the highest vibrational Earth we have been for hundreds of years. And, I humbly bow to your pure beautiful heart!
𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸R𝓪 🔥
Author of "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" Book Series
Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School
All written literature within this article are rights reserved and copyright by Rising Phoenix Aurora INC.
Yes, you are right! We cannot create our own world by ignoring the pain of others. We are here to accept the pain, heal the pain and remove it from others to help them go to the organic bifurcating Earth. I would love the speech of President Trump that he will save the children and women. No one else can say like him. This is an important time right now. We need to stand together with all true light workers to spread our light to uplift the vibration of the world. God bless all.
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